I will answer your business and marketing questions with care

Before ordering, please contact me to provide me with your exact question, so I can evaluate which service category (basic, standard or premium) I recommend you purchase, and if I believe I can provide a high-quality answer to your question.

Do you have questions on a business or marketing topic that you are seeking to answer in order to make an informed decision? Or, do you want guidance on what business step(s) to take next? If your answer is yes, and you are either new to business or a seasoned pro in your industry, I can help you. As a business and marketing generalist with over 20 years’ experience in business and marketing problem-solving and consultancy, I will provide quality-driven concise or in-depth written responses to your questions, depending on the category you purchase (i.e., Basic, Standard or Premium). When you purchase the Premium category, I will research your question before writing a well-thought-out and relevant answer. All questions must be submitted in writing and will be answered in either MS Word or PDF per your request. Feel free to try my first-timer $15 basic service just to get your feet wet and evaluate the value of my services.

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