I will create questions for your quiz

Quizzes are the ultimate viral form on the Internet. You can use them for:

a. increasing traffic of your web site

b. exploring your users’ habits

c. fun communication with your customers

d. getting feedback from your users

e. finding out how to improve your services

f. all of the above and much, much more!

My gig offers you:

a. trivia quiz

b. personality quiz or

c. survey


a. up to 12 questions

b. up to 4 quiz result descriptions (with up to 80 words each)


a. yes/no

b. true/false

c. multiple choice answers

Please, read carefully what individual packages have to offer!

Adding images is a$10 gig extra.

I’ll also gladly share my quiz-making experience with you, give you my opinion on your site concept or advice for further quiz business.

Note: I don’t make quiz apps – I write content only and deliver it in text files. It’s usually Microsoft Word or Excel file but if you prefer any other type of delivery file, just let me know and I’ll try my best to meet your expectations!

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