I will develop a professional investor readystartup business plannonprofit writer

With my vast years of experience as a business consultant, I will create a convincing business plan, financial model, and top notch design.

I have helped clients take off their business and reach new heights by optimizing the strategy, research, analyzing their market and competitive position, and creating aclear and compelling business planto articulate their opportunity.

FREE CONSULTATION:Get in touch to schedule and see whether I am the best fit for your needs. Contact me for any type of project, size of company, and class of job. I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs and managers launch and grow their companies.

The complete business plan will include:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Complete Market Analysis
  3. Company Summary
  4. Strategy and Implementation Summary
  5. Management Summary
  6. SWOT Analysis
  7. Comprehensive Marketing Plan
  8. Goals and Objectives
  9. Products Services
  10. Industry Analysis
  11. Competitive Edge and Analysis
  12. CompetitiveSummary
  13. Strategy and Implementation
  14. Target Market Segment Strategy
  15. Personnel plan
  16. Complete Financial Plan

My complete financial plan includes:

  1. Start-up Summary
  2. Cash flow
  3. Balance sheet
  4. Break-even analysis
  5. Projected profit and loss
  6. Graph and Tables

Thank you!

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