I will do patent search and trademark search for your product

Try me to patent search and trademark check your e-commerce products

Here I am offering my expert patent and trademark check services to all who arelooking forward to act legally to run their Amazon business.Selling your products on Amazon requires you to make sure that the products are not patented or trademarked by other competitors.If they are already patented or trademarked, you can end up in great legal trouble.

With my five years of freelancing experience of launching, listing, SEO and ranking of Amazon products, I have learned a great deal about patent search and trademark check. Now I am here to assist you all.

How do I work?

  • I can dig deep all the official databases for patent search in national and international markets.

  • I have got enough experience and skill to trademark check the text as well as logo design

  • Once I am done, I put forward all patent searches and relevant documents as a proof

  • Working with me ensures 100% protection of your product or invention

  • I can also sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if required by the client

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