I will hunt amazon online arbitrage fast selling products

Brand New Sellers please check my extra Gig for service.

If you are a New Seller with most of the categories Gated ( Grocery,Toys, Topicals etc) It will be very difficult for you to find profitable products. Please go to my Extral Gig for service. This service will require extra hours and extra charges.

I can provide fast selling profitable products source from authorized retailer( Amazon accept receipt from authorized retailer like walmart ) with following criteria:

Min Roi 40%

Min profit $2

No amazon present

No brand present

M sale 70

Good sales rank

Less FBA seller.

Your account health is also my concern so i source only from authorized retailer while sourcing from ebay etc can put your account health at risk.

Please do contact before placing order especially if you have gated in most of the categories.


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