I will provide parliamentary support services

Unable to figure out what happened at the last meeting because the minutes make no sense?

Was there an incident at your last meeting and now you require a professional ruling on what happened and consultation on what needs to happen going forward?

Or do you want a professional at the helm for your big annual meeting to impress your donors, write up a new charter, amend the bylaws, or to make sure the convention is one to be remembered for all the right reasons?

You need a parliamentarian.

As a nationally recognized Parliamentarian I am offering my services to you. Three amendable packages priced to your convenience. In my Secretary package I can prewrite your agendas, follow up your meeting with professionally concise minutes, or provide roll calls and others needed records documents.

In my Parliamentarian package, I will assess your bylaws for needed improvements, provide rulings on critical parliamentary issues, & help improve the flow of your meetings.

In my Officer package I’ll gladly fill the role of any officer in your organization and perform with the etiquette, responsiveness, and professionalism needed to impress at your next big meeting.

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